Thursday, December 26, 2019

Listening, Hearing And Thinking - 2450 Words

INTRODUCTION Listening: People often mistake listening, hearing and thinking as same but actually it is not. Hearing is basically a physiological process whereas listening is a cognitive process. We can say that, that when we choose to attach meaning to a word we call it as listening. Some other definitions of listening are described as â€Å"It is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages†. Listening is important as it can be, because it is important for effectively communicating and the reason is that 50 percent or more of our time we spend is spent on only listening. Although most of the people spent a lot more time in learning to read and write. According to research by International Listening Association, we only remember 50 percent of what we hear after 2 minutes and about 20 percent of what we hear after 2 days. Listening is an important (perhaps the most) skill. Several studies have confirmed that listening skills are identified as more important than speaking, writing, or managerial skills. In interpersonal communication, listening with empathy is a skill to be refined. In media professions, asking the right questions and listening carefully to the answers are both essential Types of Listening: Most of our time is spend on listening to others and communicating with them. In order to be a good and effective listener one must consider purpose of listening. Scholars have found out that there are five types ofShow MoreRelatedListening : Listening Across Different Departments Essay1702 Words   |  7 PagesListening Across Different Departments My decision to mindfully listen to two economics classes and one communication class was an attempt to see how different the conversations and thinking were between the two disciplines. 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